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Carolyn Mazloomi

"Well. I look at the quilt makers as culture bearers because there’s a long history of quilt making in this country and I want to see it carried forth to the next generation. And because most of the stories within the African-American quilt community are narratives and tell the story of our culture, what would be more important than people seeing these quilts and noting history; it’s important because we as a people have our footprint noted on this canvass called american history, so people have to know the role that we played and that we were here and that we contributed positively to history in this country, so it’s important for that aspect."

Dr. Carolyn Mazloomi is a master quilter of international renown. She is the founder of the African-American Quilt Guild (1981) and the Women of Color Quilters Network (1985). The Women of Color Quilters Network grew from its initial 10-person membership to over 1,800 nationwide and 4,350 internationally. Through these organizations, Mazloomi has created quilter networks that highlight the unique contributions of African-American quilters on the global stage. Mazloomi's quilts have been exhibited at establishments including the Mint Museum, National Civil rights Museum, Museum of Art and Design, American Folk Art Museum, and the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. Many of her quilts depict narratives about family history, African-American history, and women's rights. She has also published twelve books about African-American quilters such as Visioning Human Rights in the New Millenium: Quilting the World's Conscience, And Still We Rise: Race, Culture, and Visual Conversations, and Quilting African American Women's History. In 2003, Mazloomi was the first recipient of the Ohio Heritage Fellowship program which recognizes Ohio folk and traditional artists who are the finest and most influential masters of their particular art forms and traditions and whose work in the folk and traditional arts have had a significant impact on the people and communities of the state. In 2014, Mazloomi was named a National Heritage Fellow by the National Endowment for the Arts. She was also inducted into the Quilters Hall of Fame Museum in 2016.

Carolyn Mazloomi's Traditions episode.

Carolyn Mazloomi's website.

NEA National Heritage Fellowship awarded to Mazloomi in 2014.

Women of Color Quilters Network website.

Contents of the Collection

  • Short video clips of Mazloomi quilting
  • Images of Mazloomi posing with various quilts