

At the April 16 end-of-year celebration, the Humanities Insitute's center directors announced their award winners for the academic year. Undergraduate and graduate students were present to receive…

By Rhiar Kanouse

CFS Director and Archivist Dr. Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth gave an interview with Ohio State News to celebrate the upcoming eclipse on April 8th. In the article, Dr. Waugh-Quasebarth provides a survey…

Rhiar Kanouse, the Graduate Research Associate for the Center for Folklore Studies, presented at the 2024 American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) conference in Montreal, Canada. Her…

Congratulations to CFS Director and Archivist Dr. Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth as Weatherford Awards honors his book Finding the Singing Spruce: Musical Instrument Makers and Appalachia’s Mountain…

Congratulations to CFS Director and Archivist Dr. Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth on his recent article, "Appalachian Collections at the Ohio State University Center for Folklore Studies Archive." His…

The Center for Folklore Studies announces one-time, small travel grants for currently enrolled graduate students pursuing the Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization to present at folklore…

CFS Director Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth spoke on the plenary panel of the College of Arts & Sciences Equity and Justice Symposium, which was sponsored by the office of Office of Diversity, Equity…

The Center for Folklore Studies celebrates the publication of Claiming Space: Performing the Personal through Decorated Mortarboard, a work by Sheila Bock, a folklorist and OSU…

The Center for Folklore Studies celebrates the publication of Finding the Singing Spruce: Musical Instrument Makers and Appalachia's Mountain Forests by Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth,…