The Cultural Circulations project was a collaborative project brought about through the combined efforts and support of CIRIT: Clusters of Interdisciplinary Research on International Themes, Office of International Affairs, The Center for Folklore Studies, The Mershon Center for Public Policy and International Security, Office of Research, Institute for Collaborative Research and Public Humanities, College of Humanities, Department of English, Middle East Studies Center, College of the Arts, Department of Art, Center for Slavic and East European Studies, Department of Women's Studies, and the Iranian Cultural Association. The conference and published volume (forthcoming) examine the re-intensification of local cultural practices and cultural border-crossings that defy political obstacles to the circulation of culture. The project was designed to provide a powerful counter-narrative to claims and predictions for the erosion of local culture; the participants examined cultural border crossings across divides of race, class, gender, etc.; the uses of technology to subvert governmental constraints on the circulation of people, goods, or ideas; and the strategic uses of folk heritage culture in public policy.
Contact: Amy Shuman,