Project Narrative is holding this important symposium on October 25-27 at the Blackwell Hotel Conference Center. Among the well-known speakers from ethnic and narrative studies is folklorist Maria Herrera-Sobek.
On Saturday, October 27, be sure to catch Maria Herrera-Sobek, Luis Leal Chair of Chicano Studies at the University of California at Santa Barbara and author of many studies of Mexican and Chicano folklore, including The Bracero Experience: Elite Lore versus Folklore, Northward Bound: The Mexican Immigrant Experience in Ballad and Song, and The Mexican Corrido: A Feminist Analysis. Herrera-Sobek who will speak at the Project Narrative symposium on "Violent Constructions of Subjectivity: The Narrative Voice of the Subaltern in the Mexican Narcocorrido" on Saturday at 1:40 pm.
Contact: Amy Shuman,