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"Silver Butterflies: Displaying Miao (Hmong) Folklife in China," a Presentation by Wu Yifang, Guizhou Provincial Museum (date unknown)

Wednesday October 25th, 3:30 pm, 014 University Hall. Wu Yifang is a public sector folklorist in the ethnic minority division of the Guizhou Provincial Museum in mountainous Guizhou province in southwest China. Numbering about 8 million, the Miao (or Hmong) are one of the largest ethnic minority groups in China, with strong traditions of folk song and story, folk dance, and a material culture that includes weaving and silver work. Along with Power-point images, Wu will demonstrate a number of these folk traditions and discuss how they are integrated into museum and tourist displays. The daughter of Miao scholar and epic singer, Jin Dan, Wu will also perform a short segment of a Miao antiphonal epic recently translated by Prof. Mark Bender, DEALL. Everyone is welcome to this exciting presentation, which will enhance our understanding of the diversity of China.

Contact: Brian S. Bare, bare.3@osu.edu.