NOTE: This discussion group is retired. It is listed as a past collaboration of the CFS.
The Place Studies Discussion Group was a former space to discuss research and resources relevant to the study of place, as well as a place for sharing how we think about place in our own work.
Our first meeting took place on November 10th (year unknown) and was an informal discussion to gauge interests and brainstorm potential resources and projects that can contribute to the study of place. Please find our minutes and tentative ideas for the group below.
- Listserv
- Collective bibliography (theoretical, literature, etc.)
- Shared vocabulary and toolkit/methods
- Readings + Skype discussions with authors (low budget)
- Promotional materials: buttons, maps
- Public folklore resources--CityLore, Place Matters
- Research share: talk for 10 minutes about what you’re currently working on or a prospective project; get feedback and resources; build bibliography
- Circulate CFPs
- Archive of conferences people have attended
- Share field site reports--where have you gone, what did you notice? Send short blurbs to the listserv.
- Fieldtrips! Mark invited us to attend a local jam session in Gallia County. We are also interested in attending a bean dinner!
- Build an interactive map of cool places in Ohio--what gives place personal meaning for you?
- Develop a new folkloristic approach to the study of place
- Create a blog
- Explore major concepts, movements, and ideas