Indiana University's Folklore and Ethnomusicology Student Associations are happy to announce the tenth annual collaborative conference with The Ohio State University Folklore Student Association. This conference is a space for graduate and undergraduate students to share their research in folklore, ethnomusicology, anthropology, cultural studies, material culture, literary studies, performance studies, and related disciplines connected to the study of academic and vernacular interpretations of everyday life.
The theme for this year’s conference is Dialogues. Recent events have illuminated the necessity of dialogues for fruitful collaboration, both in academia and the world at large, as well as their relationship to and role in agency and dissent. Accordingly, we are seeking proposals in answer to questions such as:
- In what ways can activism inform and influence the work of folklorists and ethnomusicologists?
- What are our roles and responsibilities as ethnographers and researchers? How can we make our scholarship more accessible to a broader range of audiences?
- How can we employ collaborative ethnography to better understand and represent emic conceptualizations of knowledge?
- In what ways can students help foster engagement between the academic and the public spheres?
- How can we better understand the ways in which space and place play a role in hierarchies and constructs of power as well as their contestation?
- How can we open and sustain dialogues between institutions, the disciplines of folklore and ethnomusicology, and students and faculty?
The conference will have three opportunities for participation: 20-minute paper presentations, a poster session, and roundtables. We will be accepting 250-word abstracts for all presentation formats. We encourage pre-organized panels and roundtables (with a stated topic and a list of presenters). We encourage submissions from other disciplines and institutions, particularly as their topics articulate issues material to the themes described above.
All materials must be submitted by January 15, 2017 via the conference’s online application form, located at http://bit.ly/IUOSU2017. For more information on the details of the conference visit https://folksa.wordpress.com/conferences/ in the coming months. Feel free contact osuiu2017conference@gmail.com with any questions or issues.
This year, we are also inviting upper-level graduate students to serve as panel discussants. To be considered, please indicate your intent on the Google Form. The conference committee will be in touch with you shortly thereafter.
The conference will take place April 7-8 2017, in Bloomington, Indiana.
Please Note: This conference has a long history of fostering community and connection between young scholars and mentors in our fields. Because the event is planned with the benefits of co-presence in mind, it is preferred that participants plan to attend the full two days of the conference.