January 19, 2011
Mershon Center for International Security Studies, Room 120
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2011-01-19 17:30:00
2011-01-19 19:30:00
From Sir Eglamour to Old Bangum: The Travels of a Ballad Hero
Dinner Lecture: Richard GreenFrom Sir Eglamour to Old Bangum: The Travels of a Ballad HeroOSU Humanities Distinguished Professor of English, Richard Firth Green is the author of A Crisis of Truth: Literature and Law in Ricardian England (1998), Poets and Princepleasers: Literature and the English Court in the Late Middle Ages (1980) and of numerous articles in such journals as Speculum, Medium Aevum, Chaucer Review, and Studies in the Age of Chaucer. He is currently working on medieval popular culture.To attend this event, please RSVP Kate Parker by Wednesday, January 12.
Mershon Center for International Security Studies, Room 120
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2011-01-19 17:30:00
2011-01-19 19:30:00
From Sir Eglamour to Old Bangum: The Travels of a Ballad Hero
Dinner Lecture: Richard GreenFrom Sir Eglamour to Old Bangum: The Travels of a Ballad HeroOSU Humanities Distinguished Professor of English, Richard Firth Green is the author of A Crisis of Truth: Literature and Law in Ricardian England (1998), Poets and Princepleasers: Literature and the English Court in the Late Middle Ages (1980) and of numerous articles in such journals as Speculum, Medium Aevum, Chaucer Review, and Studies in the Age of Chaucer. He is currently working on medieval popular culture.To attend this event, please RSVP Kate Parker by Wednesday, January 12.
Mershon Center for International Security Studies, Room 120
Dinner Lecture: Richard Green
From Sir Eglamour to Old Bangum: The Travels of a Ballad Hero
OSU Humanities Distinguished Professor of English, Richard Firth Green is the author of A Crisis of Truth: Literature and Law in Ricardian England (1998), Poets and Princepleasers: Literature and the English Court in the Late Middle Ages (1980) and of numerous articles in such journals as Speculum, Medium Aevum, Chaucer Review, and Studies in the Age of Chaucer. He is currently working on medieval popular culture.
To attend this event, please RSVP Kate Parker by Wednesday, January 12.