September 4, 2019
CFS Archives (218 Ohio Stadium)
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2019-09-04 15:00:00
2019-09-04 17:00:00
Inaugural FSA Office(r) Hours Event
Join the Folklore Student Association for their Inaugural FSA Office(r) Hours extravaganza. They've pulled out all the stops. There will be:A popcorn machineA snow-cone machineFolklore swag (tattoos, tote bags, and artifacts from years gone by)A celebration of all-things folkloreAfter the inaugural event on September 4th, FSA will hold regular Office(r) Hours at the Archives every Wednesday from 3:00 to 5:00pm. The Archive will be open for work and socialization, and at least one FSA officer will be on hand to be a study buddy or to talk about any aspect of our field. Come hang out, work on projects, start a writing group, and make the Archives feel like home.
CFS Archives (218 Ohio Stadium)
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2019-09-04 16:00:00
2019-09-04 18:00:00
Inaugural FSA Office(r) Hours Event
Join the Folklore Student Association for their Inaugural FSA Office(r) Hours extravaganza. They've pulled out all the stops. There will be:A popcorn machineA snow-cone machineFolklore swag (tattoos, tote bags, and artifacts from years gone by)A celebration of all-things folkloreAfter the inaugural event on September 4th, FSA will hold regular Office(r) Hours at the Archives every Wednesday from 3:00 to 5:00pm. The Archive will be open for work and socialization, and at least one FSA officer will be on hand to be a study buddy or to talk about any aspect of our field. Come hang out, work on projects, start a writing group, and make the Archives feel like home.
CFS Archives (218 Ohio Stadium)
Join the Folklore Student Association for their Inaugural FSA Office(r) Hours extravaganza. They've pulled out all the stops. There will be:
A popcorn machine
A snow-cone machine
Folklore swag (tattoos, tote bags, and artifacts from years gone by)
A celebration of all-things folklore
After the inaugural event on September 4th, FSA will hold regular Office(r) Hours at the Archives every Wednesday from 3:00 to 5:00pm. The Archive will be open for work and socialization, and at least one FSA officer will be on hand to be a study buddy or to talk about any aspect of our field. Come hang out, work on projects, start a writing group, and make the Archives feel like home.