Filming the Mayo Ya Festival: Report and Footage from the 2013 Ethnographic Field School in Bluefields, Nicaragua

Three people filming in the strees of Bluefields, Nicaragua
October 2, 2013
4:00PM - 5:30PM
Mershon Center for International Security Studies, Room 120

Date Range
2013-10-02 16:00:00 2013-10-02 17:30:00 Filming the Mayo Ya Festival: Report and Footage from the 2013 Ethnographic Field School in Bluefields, Nicaragua Participants from Professor Katey Borland's Mayterm field school present lessons learned about ethnography, film making, and short-term cultural immersion in the port city of Bluefields on Nicaragua’s Caribbean Coast. Mayo Ya is a month-long festival of Afro-descended Nicaraguan culture that prominently features maypole dancing and music. Like regionally distinctive groups elsewhere in the world, Blufileños struggle to maintain their cultural identity in the face of in-migration, out-migration and the nationalization of their festival arts. Ohio State students struggle to simultaneously understand and responsibly represent a place and a culture in transition. Clips will be shown.Photo courtesy of Dr. Katey Borland, Claudia Mira, David Mondragon, and Erin Tobin filming in the streets of Bluefields. Mershon Center for International Security Studies, Room 120 America/New_York public

Participants from Professor Katey Borland's Mayterm field school present lessons learned about ethnography, film making, and short-term cultural immersion in the port city of Bluefields on Nicaragua’s Caribbean Coast. Mayo Ya is a month-long festival of Afro-descended Nicaraguan culture that prominently features maypole dancing and music. Like regionally distinctive groups elsewhere in the world, Blufileños struggle to maintain their cultural identity in the face of in-migration, out-migration and the nationalization of their festival arts. Ohio State students struggle to simultaneously understand and responsibly represent a place and a culture in transition. Clips will be shown.

Photo courtesy of Dr. Katey Borland, Claudia Mira, David Mondragon, and Erin Tobin filming in the streets of Bluefields.