(National University of Ireland, emeritus)
Talking among the Manuscripts: Aspects of the Relationship of Folklore and Celtic Studies
Gearóid Ó Crualaoich is a Cork-born graduate of the National University of Ireland (Cork) and a post-graduate alumnus of the University of Pennsylvania (folklore)and the London School of Economics and Political Science (anthropology). Gearóid has taught folklore at Cornell, Boston College, and Notre Dame, and he has been External Examiner in Scottish Ethnology at the University of Edinburgh.He is author of numerous articles, translations, and the groundbreaking The Book of the Cailleach: Stories of the Wise Woman Healer(2003). Gearóid recently retired as Head of Department of Folklore and Ethnology of University College Cork at the National University of Ireland, which runs a community- based research center/archives in urban ethnology and offers separate Irish- and English-language degree programs in folklore and ethnology. On a more personal note, Ray Cashman is forever grateful to Gearóid for introducing him to the study of folklore. A reception will follow the talk in Ohio Union Room 3146.
Professor O'Crualaoich's lecture is a keynote of the Celtic Studies Association of North America Annual Meeting, at which folklorists Josef Nagy (UCLA) and Edgar Slotkin (U of Cincinnati) and our own Ray Cashman will also be speaking: see the full program on the epigraphy website.
For more information, contact the conference organizer, Michael Meckler. The Celtic Studies Association of North America (CSANA), founded in 1976, is the professional organization for those interested in the languages, literatures, folklore, history, music, art and archaeology of ancient, medieval and modern Celtic cultures, including Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany, Cornwall, as well as the continental Celtic peoples of pre-Roman and Roman times.