Alumni host New Books in Folklore Podcast

Have you listened to the New Books in Folklore podcast? Alumni, Dr. Timothy Thurston and Dr. Rachel Hopkin are hosts of the podcast and were recently joined by Dr. Nancy Yan as an additional host. Several CFS alumni, faculty, and emeritus professors are featured on the podcast, including:
Dr. Dorothy Noyes, "Humble Theory: Folklore's Grasp on Social Life" (Mar 22, 2018)
Dr. Ann K. Ferrell, "Burley: Kentucky Tobacco in a New Century" (May 30, 2018)
Dr. Kate Parker Horigan, "Consuming Katrina: Public Disaster and Personal Narrative" (Nov 9, 2018)
Dr. Patrick B. Mullen, "Right to the Juke Joint: A Personal History of American Music" (Dec 14, 2018)
Dr. Ben Gatling, "Expressions of Sufi Culture in Tajikistan" (Jan 22, 2019)
Dr. Levi Gibbs, "Song King: Connecting People, Places and Past in Contemporary China" (Apr 2, 2019)
Dr. Ziying You and Lijun Zhang, "Chinese Folklore Studies Today: Discourse and Practice (Feb 27, 2020)
New Books in Folklore is available wherever you access podcasts.