Call for Entries: The 2022 Dan Barnes Joke Award

April 1, 2022

Call for Entries: The 2022 Dan Barnes Joke Award

Cat Meme: bought a generic mug, it leaks

Since 2006, the OSU Folklore Student Association has sponsored The Dan Barnes Joke Award. This award is given to the person who submits the best response to a joke prompt.

This year's prompt is "An X, a Y and a Z...."  "A hippy, a priest and Henry Kissinger are on a plane..." "A rabbi, a minister and a Buddhist monk are at the heavenly gates..." We've all heard these jokes before: your joke should be original, but it can be a new version of an old favorite. 

The winner is chosen by a popular vote among the attendees at the annual picnic on April 24th.

Everyone is invited to apply, and multiple entries are welcome. Email your joke to by April 15th with "Joke" in the subject line. 

Deadline: April 15th, 2022

To see previous winners, go to our website.  

Pictured: winning entry for the 2016 Joke Award, a folklore-themed cat meme, submitted by Christofer Johnson.