Call for Entries: The Dan Barnes Undergraduate Paper Prize

Call for Submissions
This is an annual $200 cash award for the year's best folklore paper by an OSU undergraduate. It honors beloved emeritus professor Daniel R. Barnes, who taught folklore and literature courses in Ohio State's Department of English from 1967 until 1995.
Eligible papers:
- Must be written by current OSU undergraduates in a folklore course, OR taking the folklore minor or concentration, OR active member of the Folklore Student Association.
- Must have been written within the last 12 months.
- May have been written for a folklore course.
- May have been presented for conferences or publication.
- May be part of a thesis directed by a folklore faculty member.
- May be written specifically for the Barnes Prize.
Only one paper submission per student, and the student must not have been a previous recipient of the Barnes Prize.
All papers will be submitted electronically. Submissions should be saved as .doc, .docx, or .pdf. The submission should have a title page that includes:
- your name
- title of the paper
- a sentence describing what the paper was originally written for
- the date it is being submitted
Do Not include your name on any of the other pages. All pages (excluding the title page) should include a header that lists the title of the paper and the page number.
Papers should be submitted to, by 11:59 pm on April 15, 2022, with the subject line: "Barnes Prize Submission 2022"