Dorothy Noyes receives 2021 Kenneth Goldstein Award for Lifetime Academic Achievement

December 13, 2021

Dorothy Noyes receives 2021 Kenneth Goldstein Award for Lifetime Academic Achievement

Dorothy Noyes

The Center for Folklore Studies joins the international folklore community in congratulating Professor Dorothy Noyes for being awarded the 2021 Kenneth Goldstein Award for Lifetime Academic Achievement. Noyes was named as the recipient of this prestigious honor during the American Folklore Society's annual conference in October.

As Noyes' colleague, Professor Katey Borland, pointed out in an email sharing the news with the members of the OSU Folklore community:

This award recognizes outstanding achievement by a living scholar in academic leadership relating to folklore. “Leadership” includes folklore program development, organizational and center development, teaching, and advising. Dorry developed the Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Folklore at OSU, and she was Director of the Center for Folklore for nine years. Her many articles are now required reading for graduate students at departments around the world. She has not only been a stellar mentor to OSU graduate student but has supported and nurtured international scholars as well through hosting, visiting, and organizing special summer institutes.  

Noyes is now the subject of an article celebrating her accomplishment on the OSU College of Arts and Sciences' website.