Webber Publishes on Jabbour

Dr. Sabra Webber (Professor Emerita) has published three essay blog posts about folklorist Alan Jabbour's family immigration saga for the Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies News at North Carolina State University. Follow the links below to read Dr. Webber's essays!
"A Boatload of Horses": Alan Jabbour's Family Immigration Saga
The Second Jabbour Immigrant: Albert Jabbour and His Courtship Story
Alan Jabbour: A Cultured Man. Foodways, Music, and Syria Dreamin'
Dr. Webber notes that she is working on a scholarly article on American Family Immigration Sagas that draws heavily on Jabbour's story for theoretical insights and examples. In April, Dr. Webber is giving two virtual talks at the annual meeting of the Western States Folklore Society about lucrative American sports and players' use of folk elements to resist top-down management of teams and to promote social justice.