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Levi Gibbs, Ph.D. student in Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, was recently featured in the 2012 Global Newsletter of the Office of International Affairs. Gibbs spent 10 months…

Congratulations to Will Pooley on his recent publication in Western Folklore! In his article, "Can the ‘Peasant’ Speak?: Witchcraft and Silence in Guillaume Cazaux’s 'The Mass of Saint Sécaire,'”…

Our colleague Mark Bender has just published an article comparing ethnographic poetry from Southwest China and Northeast India, focusing on the treatment of cultural and environmental change.

The Center for Folklore Studies heartily welcomes visiting scholar Margaret Lyngdoh! After her undergraduate work at North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Margaret became a PhD student at the…

Tim Thurston has received a prestigious Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation  Research Abroad Fellowship to support the conclusion of his fieldwork on sketch comedy as a vehicle of cultural…

CFS core faculty member Dorothy Noyes contributed to the blog for the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Cultural Property of the German Research Foundation. Her post is titled An Operatic…

Folklore studies was featured on the OSU English Tumblr site. Watch Dorothy Noyes, Ray Cashman, Martha Sims and Joanna Spanos discuss their research! You can also watch the videos on YouTube!

Congratulations to Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, who defended her dissertation, "A Home for 121 Nationalities or Less: Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Integration in Post-Soviet Estonia" (directed by Dr.…

Congratulations to Dr. Ben Gatling, who defended his dissertation, "Post-Soviet Sufism: Texts and the Performance of Tradition in Tajikistan" (directed by Margaret Mills). Ben has begun an…