

Sheila Bock

Bock Receives Teaching Award

Congratulations to alumna, Dr. Sheila Bock (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), who received the Department in Honors Teaching Award from the Honors College.


[pdf] - Some links on…

nuoso book of origins cover

Nuosu Book of Origins is Open Access

The University of Washington Press has recently announced that The Nuosu Book of Origins: A Creation Epic from Southwest China (2019) by Mark Bender, Aku Wuwu, and Jjivot Zopqu,  has…

Katherine Borland

Borland Receives Council of Graduate Students' James M. Siddens Award for Distinguished Faculty Advising

Congratulations to Katherine Borland, who has just won the Council of Graduate Students' James M. Siddens Award for Distinguished Faculty Advising! The Siddens Award was created by CGS…

Folklore Student Association wordmark.

Congratulations 2021 Covid Relief Folklore Student Association Scholarship Awardees!

Congratulations to the awardees of the 2021 Folklore Student Association Covid Relief Scholarship! The one-time $400 scholarship is designed to support students who consider the discipline of…

Dorothy Noyes

Noyes Awarded Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor

Dorothy Noyes was awarded the honorific title of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor. The Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professorship is an honorific title. This award…

Lydia's video still

Smith Awarded GAH+DT Graduate Team Fellowship

Congratulations to Lydia Smith (Art), who was awarded a Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme Graduate Team Fellowship for the 2021-2022 academic year! This program brings…

border to columbus - toe tags hung on a wall symbolizing migrant deaths along the border of Arizona

Bringing the Border to Columbus: A Virtual Symposium Recap by Dr. Danielle Schoon

On April 12-16, 2021 at The Ohio State University, two faculty members from the Department of Sociology (Victor Espinosa and Danielle Schoon) co-organized a virtual symposium, Bringing the Border…

Craycraft Rural Radical Imagination

Craycraft awarded Fulbright Alumni Grant for Open Wardrobes

Congratulations to Sarah Craycraft and her collaborators, Elena Stoycheva and Sonya Pencheva, who were awarded a Fulbright alumni grant to continue working on a…

Dahlberg-Sears headshot

Dahlberg-Sears to be Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Comparative Culture at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan

Bobby Dahlberg-Sears will be performing dissertation fieldwork as a Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Comparative Culture at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan beginning in June (…