February 21-22, 2020 | The Ohio State University | Columbus, OH
Submissions due December 15, 2019 (now closed)
Current Program Draft: OSUIU Program_DIGITAL.pdf

“Imagining is a real event...the way that we understand our own experience in relation to collective experience is through a process of vision” -- Craig S. Womack
Even with 20/20 vision, one will never be able to see, or engage with, the whole picture. When we look back, feel deep into the histories of our disciplines, we find things that both disgust and inspire. Some of these we want to leave in the past if possible, but they haunt us from the margins of the structures in which we still live. However, some of these kinds of knowing can provide a foundation for new, innovative ways of envisioning our future.
We offer the theme 20/20 (Re)Vision: Looking Back, Thinking Forward as an invitation to foreground alternative, decolonial, and under-acknowledged perspectives that engage critically with disciplinary origins across folklore and ethnomusicology graduate student scholarship. Specifically, we welcome perspectives that are interdisciplinary in nature and prompt critical discussion and reflection to capture emergent applied and academic trajectories. We encourage those presenting to engage with questions about their own citational practices (both formal and informal) and the kinds of histories we are invoking, and what kind of futures those open up.
In a similar vein, we’re inviting you to play with form. As folklorists and ethnomusicologists, we are experts in how form carries meaning and shapes communication. What does changing the form of our communication in academic settings do to our messages? What does it do to the kinds of conversations we want to have? What do we learn from prioritizing different kinds of media? Some possibilities:
- Paper Presentation (20min. presentation and discussion)
- Forums
- Performance Lectures/Jam Sessions
- Workshops
- Flash presentations
- Workshop, Skill-Share, or Training
- Media Session or Presentation
- Pop-Up Exhibitions/Installation
- Poster Presentations
Please submit proposals here: https://forms.gle/YroDKx3p1C2nDmtX9. (Proposals closed)
Please request housing here: https://forms.gle/GnCqttpe4nDiTPNV8. (Requests closed)
We're pleased to announce this year's keynote speaker: Dr. Rachel González-Martin, folklorist and Assistant Professor of Latina/o Studies at The University of Texas at Austin. Dr. González-Martin earned her PhD in Folklore at Indiana University and a BA in Anthropology from UC Berkeley. She is the author of Quinceañera Style: Social Belonging and Latinx Consumer Identities (2019). She is the co-editor of Race and Cultural Practice in Popular Culture (2018). She is currently conducting ethnographic fieldwork in minority women owned nail salons across the US for her second monograph focusing on women of color feminist praxis and social entrepreneurship. She is also currently collaborating on a new multi-authored project tentatively titled, The Academic Uncanny: Spectres of Belief and Epistemologies of Refusal.
We will also be sponsoring a forum at the conference: (re)folk-us where we’ll spend time envisioning what we want for the future of the IU/OSU conference as well as our fields themselves. We encourage interdisciplinary conversations about how to build stronger solidarity networks among scholars, activists, community organizations, artists, and other actors in this pivotal societal moment.
*This conference is FREE and OPEN to the public.*
Contact osu.studentfolk@gmail.com with any questions.
*Friday Night Dinner with Dr. Gonzáles-Martin after her keynote: please register by January 31st (limited number of spots)
*Saturday Lunch Workshop with Moriah Flagler & Emma Cobb: please register by February 12th (capped at 20 participants)