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Congratulations to English major and folklore student, Sarah Craycraft, who received a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in Bulgaria. Sarah will be teaching English language courses and…

Ziying You (East Asian Languages and Literatures), along with the support of her husband, department, and the Folklore Student Association, hosted a silent auction on Friday, March 29th to support…

Assistant Director, Cassie Patterson, convened and presented for two roundtables at the 36th annual conference of the Appalachian Studies Association (March 22-25). Cassie presented "Building an…

Folklore PhD student Tim Thurston, engaging in intensive reflexive ethnography during his fieldwork, was married to Tashi Tsomo, a local activist and student of ecotourism and regional culture, on…

The Center for Folklore Studies relied on local talent to create an advertisement to recruit folklore minors. The "hipster ad," as we've come to call it, will run for the next three weeks on…

Warmest congratulations to Levi Gibbs, who will take up a position this fall as Assistant Professor of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Literatures at Dartmouth College. Kudos also to his…

The Journal of Folklore Research has just published an important special issue, The Stigmatized Vernacular (JFR 49:2, 2012) with papers from the AFS panel co-organized by Amy Shuman and Diane…

Congratulations to OSU folklore Emeritus Professor, Patrick Mullen and alumnus, Aaron Oforlea, who co-wrote "Introduction: Critical Race Theory and African American Folklore" for the recent…

Ohio State University's Project Narrative is offering a summer institute on Narrative Theory for the Humanities and Social Sciences from June 3, 2013 - June 14, 2013. Our very own Amy Shuman will…