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Congratulations to Amanda Randhawa, who was selected as one of two winners of the Graduate School's Louise B. Vetter Award, which is sponsored by the Ohio State chapter of the Honor Society of Phi…

Congratulations to Ehsan Estiri, who has published a provocative article: “Politics of Traditionalization: Justification and Framing Processes in Historical Continuity of the Iranian Fire Festival…

Congratulations to Wenyuan (Winnie) Shao, who received an Academic Enrichment Grant from the Office of International Affairs for her dissertation fieldwork: “Deciphering Unheard Voices and…

Afsane Rezaei presented a paper based on her field work in Los Angeles at the Western Folklore Annual Meeting on April 14, 2018, entitled  "The Ritual Fusion: Iranian-American…

CFS alum Dr. Kate Parker Horigan, Assistant Professor of Folk Studies at Western Kentucky University, has a book coming out this July from University Press of Mississippi. Consuming…

Congratulations to our students moving on to great things! Dr. Erin Bahl will be moving to Atlanta to take up a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Applied and Professional Writing at…

Congratulations to Tessa Jacobs, who is now a candidate for the PhD after having brilliantly defended her qualifying exam this afternoon. Tessa is working with Dorry Noyes, Katey Borland, Amy…

Dr. Elena Foulis received an academic enrichment grant from OIA to collect oral histories in Oaxaca. She will be traveling there this summer. The title of her project is: Oral Histories of Im…

The American Council of Learned Societies has just published Lake Erie Fishermen: Work, Identity, and Tradition (1990) as part of their Humanities E-book project, which also features…