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Congratulations to The Appalachian Project (sponsored by the Center for Folklore Studies and the Office of Student Life, and housed in the Folklore Archives) on their recent feature in OSU Today's…

Warm congratulations to Mark Bender, who will shepherd the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures beginning this coming fall. We know that as Chair he will be wise, reasonable, just,…

Kudos to Cassie Patterson, Dr. Patty Cunningham, and Krista Bryson, who have won a $15,000 grant from the Governor's Office of Appalachia (a division of the Ohio Development Services Agency) for "…

FSA members Puja Batra-Wells, Cristina Benedetti and Rachel Paiscik joined the Central Ohio Student Advocates for the Arts in attending National Arts Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. April 8-9.…

Congratulations to Dr. Levi Gibbs, for yesterday defending his dissertation "Song King: Tradition, Social Change, and the Contemporary Art of a Northern Shaanxi Folksinger," chaired by Mark Bender…

Congratulations to the newly-elected 2013-2014 Folklore Student Association Executive Board:

Graduate Co-Chair: Cristina Benedetti
Undergraduate Co-Chair: Ryan Johnson

The 2013 Patrick B. Mullen Prize for best graduate student paper was awarded to Joanna Spanos for "But Why a Hanging? Festival, Reenactment, and Social Memory."

One of the reviewers said:…

Galey Modan presented “The Personal is spatial, the spatial is personal: 'Jewish talk' in Amsterdam” for the keynote address at the Symposium on Locating Language: The Linguistics of Place for the…

Congratulations to Dr. Kate Horigan for successfully defending her dissertation, "'They probably got us all on the news': Personal Narratives and Public Trauma in Post-Katrina New Orleans." Kate…