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The Ohio Field School took over the Center for Folklore Studies' Instagram account during spring break to document their experience on site in Scioto County. Follow their adventure at @…

CFS alumna and honors advisor extraordinaire Dr. Joanna Spanos has just won the Arts and Sciences Staff Excellence Award, something that will come as no surprise to her students.…

Congratulations to Sarah Craycraft, who is headed back to Bulgaria with a second FLAS fellowship to further her language study before she begins her fieldwork on rural revitalization in the autumn…

Congratulations to Mariah Marsden, who as of March 18th is MA in English, moving forward with her work on the intertwinings of print culture, agricultural work, and oral tradition in the Ozarks.…

Dr. Elena Foulis' article, "Participatory Pedagogy: Oral History in the Service-Learning Classroom" is featured as the resource of the month on The Art of Teaching Weblog throughout…

Sophia Enriquez, PhD student, ethnomusicology, has been selected as a 2019 National Humanities Without Walls Predoctoral Fellow. During the summer of 2019 she will attend an intensive 3-week…

New digital galleries are being added to the archives website on the Center for Folklore Studies page, representing fieldwork done by students of the Ohio Field School. Check out Sudzy's Pinup…

In 2013 Rachel Hopkin was awarded a rare National Interest Waiver green card on the basis that, because of her work as a folklorist/radio producer with a special focus on traditional culture…

Nathan Young left for Turkey on February 1st for six months of fieldwork in Ankara. He says: "I am researching instances and means by which some Turks maintain connection to their alleged villages…